The Animator

gonna make a comic thingy ;w; by meehankmeee

  • Views: 49
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 4 2

Comments on "gonna make a comic thingy ;w;" by meehankmee

many projects have fail only one has worked -looks at primordial lands- only that one.. anyways going to start another iv'e got a plan for this one i think that's what went wrong with past things like this its going to be a comic kinds but it'll be like drawings with writing idk what to call it but yeah im doing that and im making a animation meme too not sure which but yeah its gonna happen btw that test i made is a test for it and it will hopefully be smooth so yeah :3



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