The Animator

Poorly Drawn Cappy Says: by StarryNeptune

  • Views: 126
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 2
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 5 15 20 16

Comments on "Poorly Drawn Cappy Says:" by StarryNight

Send this to someone when you just want them to stop.

4yr ago

I saw this with my brother and he said, "Why does Cappy have that message with him." (I obviously didn't explain it to him because I just wanted to continue watching Drv3- but)

But he likes how it looks and so do I

But like 👌 bootiful



Thanks. (Enjoy your Danganropa)

4yr ago

I said "but" so many times it's a now a grammar problem-

@StarryNeptune send this to studios

lol sure-

4yr ago

y e s t h i s w i l l c o m e i n h a n d y

v e r y

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