flower! by 

- Views: 50
- Created: 1yr ago
- Last updated: 1yr ago
- Version: 0
- Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
Comments on "flower!" by BrianLovesFlowers

I love love love flowers very very much.

my favourite flower are dandelions!

but omg me too i love flowers!

No dandelions ARE weeds, but they're actually good for your yards. Being a Non-killer type of weed, they have big roots that break up the hard soil, and also help aerate it. They also help with reducing erosion!
They've actually been here for long enough for them to be considered native, since they were brought long times ago back when the English people came and colonized and used it as MEDICINE!
They're really pretty because they go from being so small, to a really bright and big yellow flowers, to soft white flowers. It's really nice to see them, since they grow a lot in my yard, sometimes covering it. We have a giant fence with a few trees behind them, so our yard is closed off from our neighbors by giant walls of leaves that are taller than the house and are thick, so it feels like I live in my own personal enclosure free with nature. If I take pictures I could show you the thorns, the dandelions, the other small plants and the giant walls of leaves and vines. We have also a really big tree that litters the floor with leaves, and one in the back that looks really nice in pictures!

No dandelions ARE weeds, but they're actually good for your yards. Being a Non-killer type of weed, they have big roots that break up the hard soil, and also help aerate it. They also help with reducing erosion!
They've actually been here for long enough for them to be considered native, since they were brought long times ago back when the English people came and colonized and used it as MEDICINE!
They're really pretty because they go from being so small, to a really bright and big yellow flowers, to soft white flowers. It's really nice to see them, since they grow a lot in my yard, sometimes covering it. We have a giant fence with a few trees behind them, so our yard is closed off from our neighbors by giant walls of leaves that are taller than the house and are thick, so it feels like I live in my own personal enclosure free with nature. If I take pictures I could show you the thorns, the dandelions, the other small plants and the giant walls of leaves and vines. We have also a really big tree that litters the floor with leaves, and one in the back that looks really nice in pictures!
what is you soundling like deecchonarii but thanking your fo the infomaton
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