The Animator

My mind flash warning by Shadow7a

  • Views: 110
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 2
  • Length: 194 frames, 77.6s
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Comments on "My mind flash warning" by Shadow7a

also was this inspired by me

this is either something so beautiful its beyond my comprehension- or just random pictures of hearts

4yr ago

No it was just about my life

ok but this seems so similar to mine.

4yr ago

Look my lifes hard to live and I hate mental god dam brake down so I recommend you either stop looking at this stupid post I was only going to credit you but I got tired and fell asleep ok >=(

@-_RizaBuggles_- yes it was inspired by me sorry if you don't like people copying you

But I can't log back in to this account so I can't delete it

@bananameat its not copying if you give credit to the OG, or if you dont make it exactly the same.

im happy to hear it was inspired by me though!

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