The Animator

hands you a bouquet of chicken nuggets on wires by Orry

  • Views: 136
  • Created: 2yr ago
  • Last updated: 2yr ago
  • Version: 9
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.2s
 3 4

Comments on "hands you a bouquet of chicken nuggets on wires" by FARTY_

2yr ago


No. That's annoying. Please never do this again. Thank you.

Did she become happy? And what's on his hands?

2yr ago

Yeah they're happy. They're giving someone some chicken nuggets.


And I tried chicken nuggets, they were very tasty and ingenious. 🤗 Oh...😍 How I almost felt.

And you, @GhastSonic.

I voted for you and stop being impudent and commanding.

Edited by @RomaKoltyshev2008

2yr ago

yes chicken nuggets are so good :D


But only a holiday. My parents were right.

2yr ago


Well, I didn’t come up with, but my parents came up with right.

And now it's New Year's Eve. But 2022 is leaving, and the new year will be...

Edited by @RomaKoltyshev2008

2023!!! :)))

Edited by @RomaKoltyshev2008

2yr ago


We will have cool and Christmas gifts. :)

2yr ago

yeah I'm so exited

No need to get excited, OK? So, my Russian friends and I have already signed a letter to Santa Claus for a gift, I have homework after and I helped my grandfather and two grandmothers, and Vanya behaved well and helped his grandfather and grandmother. Vanya is 16 years old and older than me.

Edited by @RomaKoltyshev2008

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