Oh Wow by
- Views: 52
- Created: 4yr ago
- Last updated: 4yr ago
- Version: 2
- Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
1 1
Comments on "Oh Wow" by Imtobeiskingsister2Again
4yr ago
Oh wow A big sister is graduating but I have one thing to tell you my grandma’s coming this Wednesday which is tomorrow or next Wednesday which is really awkward I actually might come Thursday and Friday is the worst awkward day ever Friday I have school and it ends at eight it is at 9 o’clock I might get to go to the store but another awkward thing my cousins might because you Oh wow with my arm my mom already asked her kids to come because can you say how do you do we will be great you can come in our Yala no I’m good OK back there anyway oh no oh 🤩
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