The Animator

i copied ace by MakiyahArt

  • Views: 70
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 2 5 5

Comments on "i copied ace" by MakiyahArt

well heres a good version of it

i can draw anime on paper:I by _ace325_

go like aces vid

(XD i cant stop looking at my pic, its so ugly)

4yr ago

close enough:)

and i messed up and i was kinda rushing

4yr ago

no its good!

XD thx ace

4yr ago

its not bad

and bonbon

no its good!

4yr ago

ok every time i come back to this animation i see a new comment

thx starry too

4yr ago how?


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