The Animator

No more drama! by MikuMikugremlin85

  • Views: 57
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 14
  • Length: 69 frames, 6.9s
 4 3

Comments on "No more drama!" by MikuMikugremlin85


(lol as a friend)

Thank you!

I know that on here drama is a huge problem. A lotta people get annoyed and mad at this (I do, at least) and one thing is is that people have these lil “crushes” on people, but in reality, behind the screen could be some creepy old man. A ton of people are inappropriate on here. Drawings, comments etc. and, please stop cursing. It’s the least of the animators problems, but stop.

And don’t try to make drama in general. It will only make people quit and be unhappy

Thank you for reading

Ur welcome! I didn’t see ur comment

Oh god I wrote “Crusing” instead of “cursing XD

Also, don’t try to make this a political or religious site. That won’t end well. I don’t think y’all should even talk about politics on here. I mean, most of us are just a couple a 10 year olds

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