The Animator

Hey there I’m new to this by ToastMan

  • Views: 125
  • Created: 3yr ago
  • Last updated: 3yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 1 1 8 3

Comments on "Hey there I’m new to this" by penman

3yr ago

Hello, welcome.

3yr ago


3yr ago

Well hello there new animator

Hello. Welcome, @ToastMan. Have a wonderful day, and have fun animating! I also have a question, @ToastMan . How did you find this site?

Welcome :)

3yr ago

@kittysaurus3 I found this because I got bored and I liked animating so I searched good animating apps and found this

3yr ago

hello welcome to the animator!

Oooooh, @ToastMan . I do too!

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii @ToastMan welcome to the animator and we would rlly like you to be here! :D

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