The Animator

dont get near him xD by Yonatan_

  • Views: 75
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 7 frames, 1.1s
 1 3 3 2

Comments on "dont get near him xD" by yonatan

I very much got near him.

4yr ago

how xD


Hey Yonatan. Uh... I know you probably hate me, but I'm truly sorry for my actions. I know they where wrong. If there is anything you want me to do to make up for this, just say it. If you want to be friends, just say it. I'm sorry if this just sounds silly or stupid. I don't mean to make you mad or anything. I'm just sorry.

(oh and: lol I got close (⌐■_■))

4yr ago

...xD ok fine

4yr ago

u mean it???

Yeah, I mean it with all my heart.

4yr ago


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