The Animator

Im cold by LilMary

  • Views: 53
  • Created: 2yr ago
  • Last updated: 2yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 3 frames, 0.3s
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Comments on "Im cold" by LilStar

2yr ago

just get warm smh

2yr ago

tranga just broke the code

2yr ago


2yr ago

Posted animation unavailable

Can you please not blatantly copy me😕

2yr ago

Didn't even credit

2yr ago

@Onyx i copied u? im srry i didnt look at the gallery my friend drew it my bad

2yr ago

I’m sorry but I genuinely don’t believe you, I would have been happier if you just deleted it or apologized. Lying about someone else drawing it is always a go to excuse and it’s a bummer. I’m not upset and I don’t wanna reply past this but I’m just giving my final opinion.

2yr ago

@Onyx well im sorry but i did not look at the gallery and my friends drew it I just did the shaking and the title

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