Drawing with a mouse sucks (also needs a name) by

- Views: 67
- Created: 3yr ago
- Last updated: 3yr ago
- Version: 1
- Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
Comments on "Drawing with a mouse sucks (also needs a name)" by breezy
I doodled her on some schoolwork a while back and instantly liked it. I changed it up a bit, but she still needs a name. Ideas are welcome!
a name for them could be Lola,Bella,Axel,Branden,Evan,Lizz,Fritz,Azel.
I always draw with a mouse xd

I see a "Marina" in this character, lol.
i also used to use a mouse to draw EVERYTHING, but ever since i got a drawing tablet, i gave up
nowadays, i press down on my trackpad and move my mouse around (my mouse doesn't work very well, so instead of clicking with my mouse, i use my trackpad to click and my mouse to guide, if that makes sense)

If u call them marina then they'll be twinning with my sea monster gal :D /pos
They also look like a Fizzy or just Fizz

i always draw with a mouse. im on a computer
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