The Animator

I am tired.....again by Lg_Holland

  • Views: 73
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 13 frames, 6.5s
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Comments on "I am tired.....again" by Lg_Holland

why when your a kid......ENERGY IS POWER

My wife broke our coffee machine XD

Dude just eat a bunch of sweets before your wife wakes up to get a sugar rush

Good Idea

how XD

I dont know how she broke the machine yesterday

Yea or just make a choclate stash and when our wife asks what youve been eating just go:

4yr ago

mmmmm, coffee grounds and warm water....


Then I will loss all the weight that I lost last year. XD

Oh sorry i have a fast metabolism XD



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