The Animator

DO i have fans?(honest question) by cameronmaher_

  • Views: 71
  • Created: 3yr ago
  • Last updated: 3yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s

Comments on "DO i have fans?(honest question)" by TheDestroyer

I would say yes and no.

You have good animation styles and good drawing it's just that you CAN be a brat sometimes (No offense I'm just pointing facts)

I agree with cookie.

I would be confused and frightened by your "fans" because you...

Well at this point you would hide any comment relating to IT, so... anyways you know what you did.

I would say a majority of Animators here aren't a fan.

3yr ago

I'm a big fan, sorry for the late response but it is true, you may have done something wrong, but you came clean a long time ago, I think everyone deserves a second chance. @cameronmaher_

ur looking at one pal

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