The Animator

I need motivation by Lg_Holland

  • Views: 61
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s

Comments on "I need motivation " by Lg_Holland

To continue The Glitch Series

Wat motivation? I forgot

I need support from you guys

I need support from you guys to keep the Glitch Series Going because it takes a lot to do.

*thinks of something*

Like what kind of support

Animations, talking. Stuff like that


I honestly think you should keep up the good work on they glitch series. I really enjoy watching animations like those, they entertain me and my brother. We both enjoy your great animations, keep up the good work! :)

(all I could think of T^T)

thx Random ^^

U welcome.

4yr ago

Well 2020 is just to be over

lg you are in my series

4yr ago

i was inspired from this animation

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