The Animator

Anibot nostalgia by TRAngA

  • Views: 85
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 19 frames, 8.2s

Comments on "Anibot nostalgia" by TRAngA

*cris* I’m really sad he left..

4yr ago


Yeah. Same. Does anyone know him in real life? If so, can you ask him to come back? It's just so... strange without him....

4yr ago


I don’t know anyone who’s on this site for real

Yeah. The Blob vs Egg thing got so out of hand that he just left. It continued about 2 hours after he left.

4yr ago

anibot threatened to leave twice to get his way now, and I expect it to end like last time, he will get back online and pretend nothing happened.

It wasn’t to get his way it was serious

4yr ago

well, we will see, but if he is willing to actually leave because of a single hater, it wouldn't make much sense since he has tons of fans.

That's the exact point we (tried to) made with him. But he left.


4yr ago

I was right!

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