The Animator

I drew my oc using other users drawing style by Krillin

  • Views: 53
  • Created: 1yr ago
  • Last updated: 1yr ago
  • Version: 1
  • Length: 8 frames, 7.912s
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Comments on "I drew my oc using other users drawing style" by Krillin

1yr ago

@wolfy711 @TRAngA @Z4NDAA @BreadKris @Luni_ @Ramon @spoinko @x-Dr_Flug-x

I just wanna tell you guys that your art is amazing. Even when it comes to your style and your ideas I could the say the same thing again. I know my drawing style is kinda bad but I hope I can improve my art and try to focus on it aswell. I hope yall like it!

Edited by @Krillin

1yr ago

stik :D

1yr ago

the goober!


the bread kris and eklyps ones are goooo :>

1yr ago


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