The Animator

Im sick :( by Dale

  • Views: 67
  • Created: 3yr ago
  • Last updated: 3yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 3 5

Comments on "Im sick :(" by Charmander


Get better.

Take a nap.

Drink water.

Take medicine.

(totally not using strategies from when I was sick)

Yay did I. Sick to

3yr ago

if you are feeling sick, just don't be sick :/

ok just keep alive thats da objective

im sick to :( dont worry

well i suffer with emotional damage from bad behavior of online and real life people. i can understand your sad. but i just got bullied in a comment section.

3yr ago

ur not getting bullied we are just telling u to do the correct thing but ur not


nvm but hopefully you get better

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