My teacher ruined my painting :( by 

- Views: 115
- Created: 1yr ago
- Last updated: 1yr ago
- Version: 0
- Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
Comments on "My teacher ruined my painting :(" by mund_aey

What happene

I was painting skulls, it was like really rendered at that point, but the left cheek indent just wasn't fitting, and he brought his to show me.
His didn't even look three d it looked like 2D, which wasn't what i was going for. so he started PAINTING on MINE!!!
and he started adding white. (Keep in mind, that the skulls aren't the main light focus, so I wanted them pretty dark,) and he was adding colors that just didn't work. Like he added another light source from the top, but he drew like very angled, and not the angle of the painting ;-;

Dang dude that suck

do you know where he lives? <33 xo

I was painting skulls, it was like really rendered at that point, but the left cheek indent just wasn't fitting, and he brought his to show me.
His didn't even look three d it looked like 2D, which wasn't what i was going for. so he started PAINTING on MINE!!!
and he started adding white. (Keep in mind, that the skulls aren't the main light focus, so I wanted them pretty dark,) and he was adding colors that just didn't work. Like he added another light source from the top, but he drew like very angled, and not the angle of the painting ;-;
tell him or some other adult that happened but if u talk to him, tell him it made you uncomfortable that he touched your art without permission or even asking. and if he tries again in the future, youll tell him to ask. like before he touches ur painting

ive always hated it when teachers do that to me. it really ruins my confidence

i left a painting in a dryer rack. i never saw it again. and ur art teacher by description is prob a random dude or woman they found with the ability to move their hands


why do people do stupid things
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