The Animator

The Topg needs his calcium by Tep_

  • Views: 55
  • Created: 9mo ago
  • Last updated: 9mo ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.2s
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Comments on "The Topg needs his calcium" by Sobentep_

and you need your time out of the samsung tablet, follow my steps and you would lead to success and have much knowledge.

1. put down the tablet and stop watching "Spider and Hulk Super Choclate Egg toys | Twinkle Twinkle little star"

2. put on your fortnite cap and go outside

3. If your mother tells you where your going and tell her this, "Mommy, I dont wanna watch youtube kids and drink milk all the time, I wanna expereince this world"

4. After the following words has been said your mother would respond in an expression known as "astonishment" dont worry it is normal

5. Touch that green spikey thing known as grass and take a walk

6. Get to home like 2 hours and go shower

7. after showering eat something healthy, watch a motivational video (including logan pauls podcast)

8. Go the gym and exercise

Follow this routine everyday and you will be very smart and escape through the dead parasites possesed in your body

I already have alot of calcium in my body, you need some proper oxygen in your body, I eat yogurt, cheese, almonds and cooked sardines


is that all you eat? you need meat, vegetables, fruits, dairy and proteins in your diet. not just those

9mo ago


umm, actually salmon and almonds is Protein, cheese and yogurt is dairy. this is the only thing I agree with him.

9mo ago

oh...wait. sardines. ew


@-_RizaBuggles_- said:

is that all you eat? you need meat, vegetables, fruits, dairy and proteins in your diet. not just those

Wow, I guess your just not gifted enough that you dont even have proper eyes!

did I ever mentioned anything in that paragrah saying "Yo so this is the only thing i eat yk?"

@Jle3v said:

oh...wait. sardines. ew

wth, shut the hell up, I am not fat daily mcdonalds visitor like u, I actually eat healthy things, and by sardines I dont mean just plain sardines okay? Godsh your so dumb


well you could have mentioned atleast one veggie or fruit you eat

@-_RizaBuggles_- said:

well you could have mentioned atleast one veggie or fruit you eat

do fruits have calcium?

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