The Animator

<untitled> by Caesuplayzz

  • Views: 68
  • Created: 2yr ago
  • Last updated: 2yr ago
  • Version: 1
  • Length: 76 frames, 7.6s
 1 1

Comments on "<untitled>" by Caesuplayzz

drawing hands are so annoying :|

its because of their shape

in among us vr

the crewmates have 4 fingers.

2yr ago

I teach you how draw fingers aaa

@MrMiyagi said:

I teach you how draw fingers aaa


2yr ago

Same here... *screams in frustration because hands*

2yr ago

nvm idk how to draw hands either…

also why is she holding up the middle finger ._.


2yr ago

you should actually fix that before dan notices

alr ima fix it one sec

fixed i hope its ok now

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