The Animator

Inside I am dead by un-deadinside

  • Views: 39
  • Created: 2yr ago
  • Last updated: 2yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.2s
 2 3 3

Comments on "Inside I am dead" by undood

Bro istg im going to turn into a snowman soon

2yr ago

I just don't get cold.

I see.

You are one lucky man

You see

I have one braincell

Which I share with a lot of people

And that one braincell

Just cannot handle low temperatures

2yr ago


2yr ago

haha you could say

your art is COOL heee hehegey8oxxsu,cr;dfimnhusnahawfdgfsdbgvhgj

Do I need to repeat myself

I have one braincell

Which I share with multiple other people

The words you use are to difficult for my poor braincell which I share with multiple others to comprehend

Also, the pun

I think I just died again

Poor braincell which I share with multiple others

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  3. Lost
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