The Animator

Psychopath by Burnincat

  • Views: 56
  • Created: 2yr ago
  • Last updated: 2yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.2s
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Comments on "Psychopath " by Burnincat

you just did your planned murder

2yr ago

@robo_alex6745 said:

you just did your planned murder

No I didn't I just needed to intimidate some tomatoes.

then why you right you're next with tomato


maybe i should have auto correct off

2yr ago

@robo_alex6745 said:

then why you right you're next with tomato

to intimidate the other tomatoes.

but they dont have a mind

well they do but not like a in a human aspect

2yr ago

@robo_alex6745 said:

well they do but not like a in a human aspect

... shut up


2yr ago


Stop being smarter then me.

how im i being smarter then you?

2yr ago

@robo_alex6745 said:

how im i being smarter then you?

its a joke

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