The glitcher: Ep 3 blue kills red by
- Views: 111
- Created: 2yr ago
- Last updated: 2yr ago
- Version: 3
- Length: 153 frames, 15.3s
Comments on "The glitcher: Ep 4 blue kills red " by To_3ft
Finally red died Lemme tell u about the glitcher
So basiclly in the world of the glitcher you have heroes and villians You get your own type of abilty's and you can sometimes steal other heroes or villians powers. But you may be confused why blue could not transform before he beat red
Well he was not born with abilitys like black, red, and purple. Blue has to get really mad to transform but now he stole red's powers so he does not have to get mad to transform unless he wants to.
Ranking of power
Blue strongest of right now
Red 2nd strongest but ded
Black & purple they both have the same power level.
So if u want to be in this please comment what color you would like to be and i may say just the color for the name or your first 5 letters in ur name or 4 or 3
Btw purple was grey i just got mad lazy and didn't make a transformation for purple cause i had alot of time to do that in 3rd period i just didn't want to
I finished the rest at home tho just didn't wanna make a transformation for purple
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