The Animator

I'M SO JEALOUS MY VOTE IS 2 In Competition by GhastSonic

  • Views: 77
  • Created: 2yr ago
  • Last updated: 2yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.2s

Comments on "I'M SO JEALOUS MY VOTE IS 2 In Competition" by GhastSonic

2 Votes For Me & 19 Votes For All

2yr ago

you'll get there next time



hey what r u doing the heart

@TRAngA @Lemming & @Caesuplayzz

idk maybe i just wanted too?.......

oh i know just friday night funkin competition in the animator community thread tell @Dan but i wan't friday night funkin competition @Caesuplayzz

Pls stop doing the heart pls just

laugh star eyes face or dead face only

all of you






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