The Animator

Should I draw an opening for this studio? xd by Dinosaur

  • Views: 77
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 6 frames, 1.2s
 6 5

Comments on "Should I draw an opening for this studio? xd" by Dinosaur

4yr ago

Sure, but it's really up to you

I gave up on mine since it didn't save the first time to it's legitimate trash but I think yours would look amazing

4yr ago

I guess I won't have it for the Dan's challenge TnT, but it will be fun jsjsjsjs. I would like to see yours LeSpark ( don't give up OnO, I know you can do it) OwO when it's over, it will look amazing :33

Ya estoy preparada para perder la sensibilidad en mi mano xd

4yr ago

Ohhh ok. Yeah, I made mine for the dan challenge but I could do a better one for my studio

Ya perdí la sensación en mis piernas y mis dedos en mi mano izquierda.

4yr ago

Same, same ToT xd

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