The Animator

The Glitch Series-S4-Ep.6-Part 1 by Lg_Holland

  • Views: 85
  • Created: 3yr ago
  • Last updated: 3yr ago
  • Version: 3
  • Length: 114 frames, 36.1s
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Comments on "The Glitch Series-S4-Ep.6-Part 1" by Lg_Holland


My eyes: Just epically disappears.

Can you make it so I have sarcasm? :0 so if the glitch try’s to be all cool and stuff I can ruin it for him. >:)

:0 OMG hidden comment. No way, caught in 4K.

@CookieTheRookie I accidentally released to the episode while making it. So in a blind panic I quickly clicked private animation. And just to make sure it was private I commented “Don’t look at this yet”. So that’s what that hidden comment was lol


can i be in im just a red stickman with a top hat with a black and white wand

@magicboyyssp I would put you in. But it’s too close to the end to put another character in. If I make another season then I’ll put you in. only IF

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