The Animator

Meanwhile everyone is fighting... by Level161

  • Views: 64
  • Created: 2yr ago
  • Last updated: 2yr ago
  • Version: 2
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s

Comments on "Meanwhile everyone is fighting..." by Level161

we just sitting there likes its nothing unless we get hit or somehow get dragged into the fight

2yr ago

Though, to be honest, it is a nice light show.

feel like a fighter jet show where things fly around

2yr ago

You all just like seeing us fight huh?

We should charge admission then.

wait what


2yr ago

@robo_alex6745 said:

wait what

20 bucks for the next fight. (jk)

its not like i have a free one at home

because *doesn't have a name* fights with *doesn't have a name* because they're siblings (not irl the household of my characters)

2yr ago


2yr ago

I have 2 sisters and 4 brothers

I am the middle child

So I argue and fight with almost all of them

2yr ago


damn a lot of siblings

must of feel like doom eternal when getting dibs on something @Level161

2yr ago

@robo_alex6745 said:

damn a lot of siblings
must of feel like doom eternal when getting dibs on something @Level161

O, u have no idea.

"Who wants the last piece of cake?"

Thus began WW3

i can relate but its not with siblings its with my cousin and his friends

especially one person

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