The Animator

Miku's Challenge by animatorweasel

  • Views: 78
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 10
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
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Comments on "Miku's Challenge" by animatorweasel

4yr ago

hey uh are you ok? you seem very unhappy lately... i'm a bit concerned.

Have I seemed unhappy? Well I haven't really noticed a change in myself unless it's been subtle and building overtime. Anyways, put simply, yeah, I'm good.

yah weseal u haven't been acting as mean as mean to me as u usally are. are u good

4yr ago

not sure, your comment a couple minutes ago on miku's challenge was a bit concerning, but i'm glad you're good!

Oooo! Thanks for joinin!

4yr ago

okay uh thedestroyer did u and weasel have fight?

Wait- what was concerning that weasel said?

I think the "Before I waste more time" comment. I didn't see anything wrong with it when I typed it...

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