Game by

- Views: 43
- Created: 3yr ago
- Last updated: 3yr ago
- Version: 1
- Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
Comments on "Game" by breezy
3yr ago
The game is called Splat Bang. A bunch of people stand in a circle with one person in the middle.
The person in the middle will point at someone with their hand in the shape of a gun, and say bang.
If the person doesn’t duck fast enough, then they are out and have to sit down.
If they do crouch, then the two people on opposite sides of them (no matter how far away) have to point at each other with BOTH their hands shaped like a gun and say splat bang.
Whoever is slower is out and has to sit down. Last two people standing stand back to back, take ten steps forwards, and once the host says bang they have to turn around, point, and say splat bang.
This is super fun to play with a lot of people, try it sometime!
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