The Animator

Stick Adventure (episode one) by ToastMan

  • Views: 119
  • Created: 3yr ago
  • Last updated: 3yr ago
  • Version: 4
  • Length: 47 frames, 9.5s
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Comments on "Stick Adventure (episode one)" by penman

3yr ago

Animator: @ToastMan

Idea: @animatior_pro123

Leave ideas for episode to in comments

3yr ago


3yr ago

By the way the thing that came out the ground when black stomped was the file app because they are in the computer btw

3yr ago

Ooo cool :)

@ToastMan you forgot that easter egg but oh well you can add it sometime later in a other episode

3yr ago

@animatior_pro123 I will edit this episode and add it

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