The Animator

foundation of the Anti Miku ( recruiting) by Asokov

  • Views: 68
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s

Comments on "foundation of the Anti Miku ( recruiting)" by Asokov

last time im saying this, i want this to be fun i am not serious

i want to have fun on this site and all i said was i would help ppl with OCs

i am on this site to have fun, and i dont like people bullying me

please delete this animation

4yr ago

yeah. if it was ajoke, don't take it seriously. be nice.

it was just something i made because i wanted to help with OCs and I really like making one. your right, RooTBEEr

because I made the "Want help with OCs? Check this animation!"because i like to make OCs like I said

4yr ago

can dan help with the cant delete some posts glitch

4yr ago

the same thing happened to my awgs post and the mapwar of this website, so forget this ever happened

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