The Animator

stoofs cousin noof (STOOF IS ME) by Krillin505

  • Views: 108
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 1
  • Length: 6 frames, 0.6s
 4 4 4 4

Comments on "stoofs cousin noof (STOOF IS ME)" by Krillin505

noof came here

without no mask

and rode a airplane to come here

and he brought coronavirus with him

and he was like

guess what?

im your roomate!

i ran upstairs to my laptope

and smashed it

and screemed


the neighbours heard me to

which is bad


4yr ago


glovy why dont make vids??

4yr ago

its because I have to go to school :(

4yr ago

get spit on the mouth was it

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