The Animator

if you see a person named apple in your amongus it by the_best_among_us

  • Views: 50
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 1 2 1

Comments on "if you see a person named apple in your amongus it" by the_best_among_us

If only

I haven’t played among us before

Is it available on console?

its me (or its a copyer... my sisters among us cararter si named UwU and people copy her name and when she sees a copyer she gets sad and quits the game and joins a new lobby)

Uh, wha? I didn’t catch that.

yes its on console in like 2021- but you can play it on a switch if you connnect it to your phone

(in 2021 it will be on the ps5 but if you buy the game and you have a ps4 it still works!)

Ok thanks

I have Xbox and switch

Guess I’ll have to wait for 2021 for among us to come to Xbox😭


i froot to tell you it works on a xbox lol

um @the_best_among_us that's kinda cute and sad at the same time (about ur sister). I have seen ppl with that name now that I think about it...

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