The Animator

Why are people making a big deal over cameron by TRAngA

  • Views: 69
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s

Comments on "Why are people making a big deal over cameron" by TRAngA

4yr ago

Sure, cameron left, but there were many other amazing animators that have left as well, that haven't gotten the respect they deserved, nobody is even mentioning Dream, or Thegamer, and then this guy who shows up for a few months, and then leaves, just leaves a huge effect on everyone.

4yr ago

I'm not saying, don't respect cameronmaher, i'm just saying that for whatever reason, people decided that he was the person to respect over the multiple other people who have left.

4yr ago

cameron was a legend

But so was all the others, don't you think they deserve equal respect?

And not just a one-sided situation?

yeah i agree but most people just... dissapeared. they didn't make a big deal that they were leaving, they just.. left.

I’m with you tranga. Why do ppl love Cameron so dang much? It’s not like he had been on the site for a long time. Ppl act like he’s a prince and everyone else is a servant to praise him idk but I think we should give ppl who were amazing just as much respect


Exactly. They think hes a God, I'm gonna say it and I'm not afraid. It's annoying. I'm sick and tired of all the small animators not getting the praise they deserve! Chill people. And he just wants to be the best animator. Bit arrogant imo.

I agree

4yr ago

To Be Honest.. I completely agree.. Many good animators have left the site, and people are all like "Okay then.." but if its Cameron then people be like "OH MAH GOODNESS DO NOT LEAVE YOU'RE BETTER THAN EVERYONE!" (Yes, im also guilty of that ;-;)

all he did was draw anyway

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