whats the different between pansexual/panromantic by
- Views: 57
- Created: 3yr ago
- Last updated: 3yr ago
- Version: 0
- Length: 7 frames, 2.8s
Comments on "whats the different between pansexual/panromantic " by LilStar
like they mean the same thing (most of it) so im not sure does anybody know?
I’m not an expert but as far as I know, pansexual is a physical relationship with anyone (male, female, etc.) while panromantic is more emotional.
Most secualties ending with sexual means you have a s3xual attraction to that gender, while romantic meaning you only have a romantic attraction to that gender, but sexual can be an umbrella term for both.
For example, a pans3xual person is sexually attracted to all genders, while a panROMANTIC person may be only attracted to all genders romantically.
Hope that helps :)
pansexual is liking all genders, romantically and sexually. while panromantic is ONLY liking all genders romantically.
but if youre panromantic you usually have an another sexuality (but you do have to have one) usually it is, asexual. where you experience no sexual feelings whatsoever. while aromantic is the opposite, no romantic feelings whatsoever.
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