The Animator

Happy Black History Month by StarryNeptune

  • Views: 197
  • Created: 3yr ago
  • Last updated: 3yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 6 9 27 18

Comments on "Happy Black History Month" by StarryNight


18 older comments  

3yr ago

well @Onyx is true thats all i'm trying to say

@sparkyy COOL! @Astr1d Im sorry, I mis understood.

@owen101 WHO ARE YOU!? ARE YOU OWEN FROM HMS!?!?!?!??!

@Adrain_Lee there’s nothing wrong with saying Black Lives Matter. BLM was created because african Americans have been treated unfairly and have been mistreated so people want to stop racism. Yes, all lives matter but BLM was created to fight against racism.

And everyone does matter. No one deserves to die or be mistreated. Even if they did something wrong.

What's HMS?

My middle school.

So HMS is My middle school? Cool school you go to.

NO, it has my town in it so I dont feel confortable, but, its (my town)Middle School

Woah, how did this turn into an entire convo-

Jeez, if I need to I'll change or remake it.

I didn't know what to do, I just made this. ;-;

And yes, everyone's lives do matter.

3yr ago

im sorry this happens starry, dont feel bad tho its not ur fault <33

Its fine, @Onyx. Thanks.

@StarryNeptune NOOO!!!!! its AMAZING! I love it!


Thank you.

3yr ago

my dad is the type of person who says

"blm? no. alm? *yes*."

why is the hand fat lol



3yr ago

O M G YAS (im late)

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