The Animator

7 years olds on roblox by THE_T_BOSS2

  • Views: 75
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 2
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s

Comments on "7 years olds on roblox" by THE_T_BOSS2

December 13 2020

I was playing roblox. A game called World Conquest. You would have to roleplay invading other nations as one nations in many time periods. I was Latvia. There was someone playing as Lithuania and a USSR player. ( The year was 1948) I created a Non-Aggression-Pact with USSR so he couldn't attack me. I invaded Estonia and lost some almost all my troops. Out of the blue USSR tells me that he wants two options. 1 Join me. 2 Die. He said he would give me until 1951 so he could create an army. (Pre Write sentences so whoever you go against doesn't have a chance.) (That's very offensive.) I decided to ally Germany. It was 1951 and USSR chatted sentences so fast it made my ping 154.22. Germany said, "Wouldn't it be funny if I stopped sending troops?" I didn't reply. Germany blockaded me after. I lost the war and USSR took All of my country. I decided to rebel in Riga. He chatted so fast my device crashed. After rejoining I was pretty angry. First of all, I had to do the quiz at the start again that prevents idiots from getting through. Second of all, I couldn't get independent. EVEN IF I GOT OUT FAIRLY. I yelled at him and voted to kick him. He was talking to another person about a website called BlackRose which allows you to steal Roblox accounts. (BlackRose doesn't even exist." He said "Hey kid" "I'm gonna turn off your router." I ignored him and played as Finland. He didn't attack me. I got more people to kick him. "I'm gonna chat so fast that it will break your router." (Little did he know that's not how it works." I said Bruh. He typed so fast my ping was over 300. He DID crash my game. Only for a few minutes though. When I went back in, he had taken all of Germany because there was no one playing as it. He started bypassing the chat filter y putting Arabian between the letters. Finally, someone called Canada_Albania Vote kicked him and he was banned.

4yr ago

That sucks...

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