The Animator

anybody wanna be in my series? by meehankmeee

  • Views: 71
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 4 3

Comments on "anybody wanna be in my series?" by meehankmee

4yr ago

I wanna be, i am the black stickfigure in this animation, it's my OC:

Can i be in it

Ima already in soooooooo

can i be in pls

4yr ago

oh and meehankmee I see where you would think im lying when i said i was his brother and I understand but I actually am his brother if i could i would prove it

:0 your gonna make a series !!!! cool :3

i want to look like that


OC: Posted animation unavailable

I wanna be in it! If you want, you can just look at my studio and use my oc.

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