The Animator

@spoinko i am lazy :c by Lincheee

  • Views: 38
  • Created: 4mo ago
  • Last updated: 4mo ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 136 frames, 12.021s
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Comments on "@spoinko i am lazy :c" by Lincheee

4mo ago

i suck at animatiing :c

4mo ago

first of all, no, i was at the same level as you a while back, dont downplay yourself, learning to animate takes a while!

second of all, me too, i havent been animating anythign cuz im lazy xD

third of all, youve improved over time!

fourth of all, very epik

fifth of all, welcome back! :D

just have motivation cus thats how i get better

4mo ago


i seen too much motivation from animation and i still don't want to animate lol

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