The Animator

Story time in the comments by queen_Alexis

  • Views: 42
  • Created: 3yr ago
  • Last updated: 3yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 1 1

Comments on "Story time in the comments" by Imtobeiskingsister2Again

Good night but I got to tell you something so you know tomorrow right do you want to know what I have to do so is my time I go to bed I go to bed at 10:38 because tomorrow in the morning mommy wakes me up at 6:59 so I guess I’m ready for a test at unicorn blue jeans then and then I put my deodorant down go downstairs get my shoes in the car Roblox easy that’s all and then she’s going to ask my dad if I can get in dollars so $50 for my motorbike girl like for task lots of test I don’t know what it is anyways I’m gonna record any sleep Night because I have to get up in the morning maybe maybe when I come back from my test tomorrow

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