The Animator

Treaty of new Animator Unions and Self Animators by Asokov

  • Views: 74
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 1
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s

Comments on "Treaty of new Animator Unions and Self Animators" by Asokov

4yr ago

all groups on this website are affected if some of them have an ideal to leave and some to join

4yr ago

also i am gonna found a group of animators to unite the animators of upper popularity as the lesser known ones would soon begin to leave this website (My goal right now is to keep the website from crumbling resulting in dan stopping funding it and soon collapsing the website) and i will soon add lesser known ones that stayed as asort of Website Anti Collapse Organization named the Animator Website Group of Stability

4yr ago

also new smaller groups can exist but their group must have some sort of memberrship of this group to prevent their collapse aswell

4yr ago

also if war occurs a meeting would begin to discuss the goals of the two groups and to give some to them to bring stability or do not and try to elinimate the two/one (if they have a goal of attacking eachother for a plan of overrunning the website and soon have complete dominance)

But I like this website :O.

4yr ago

im trying to keep this website alive

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