The Animator

Why ppl hate me and no frends by queen_Alexis

  • Views: 59
  • Created: 3yr ago
  • Last updated: 3yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 17 frames, 1.7s
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Comments on "Why ppl hate me and no frends " by Imtobeiskingsister2Again

@Onyx wand @foxsprit It was my lili cousin and he’s always in trouble and all I’m saying is nice things and all you do is hide it hide it hide it it’s not fair my name my baby come walking out a baby kid well anyways my cousin she’s always doing bad things and how come no one believes me about it all they do is this this this that that this is that all you do is not believing me not believe me why don’t you believe me Not nice @onxy and @FoxSpirt

3yr ago

I literally never said I didn’t believe you

3yr ago

Also I never said I hated you lol

Bruh it’s ture

Yes you do I konw

3yr ago

You’re confusing me.

3yr ago

Also I don’t hate you but if that’s what you want to believe then be my guest

Nope I’m not your ti my nonsis you hate me and you don’t like me like everone sauing


3yr ago

i no hate u



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