The Animator

Fight Animation by CrackRodent

  • Views: 291
  • Created: 2yr ago
  • Last updated: 2yr ago
  • Version: 20
  • Length: 226 frames, 19.325s
 1 1 5 4

Comments on "Is this confusing?" by CrackRodent



Alright cool thanks

@CrackRodent said:

Alright cool thanks

no prob

2yr ago

its good the stickmen just look a bit out of proportion. lol

how many frames per sec? 25, 50 or 100?

I mean was it 100, 50 or 25 MS


I make some frames different speeds to make it look smoother


Yeah I gotta work on that

2yr ago

yea it does but the stickman need to lose some weight ngl. (no offense)


I usually use 100 and switch to 50 whenever I want it to be faster


Are they that fat?

2yr ago

in some frames ya

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