The Animator

Vandalize Remix/Cover Challenge by GhastSonic

  • Views: 110
  • Created: 2yr ago
  • Last updated: 2yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 2 frames, 0.1s

Comments on "Vandalize Remix/Cover Challenge" by GhastSonic

use beepbox and cover this original song

if you finish the cover click the link and send me

and i will heard just nice song

but coming in next month and your challenge result & rate

in remix/cover

cover now

Edited by @GhastSonic


@RomaKoltyshev2008 said:


just all parts if you made

To be honest, I already drew the "Stickman" and "Stick Warriors" intros.

hm! i don't understend

pls cover vandalize

cover this

Wow! I really like this music about sonic.

And vandalize the sequencer?

@RomaKoltyshev2008 said:

Wow! I really like this music about sonic.
And vandalize the sequencer?

& cover it don't be hard

Hey @RomaKoltyshev2008

what now cmon


Are you not sending me

I don't know.

Edited by @RomaKoltyshev2008


What did you decide?

Edited by @RomaKoltyshev2008

from your beepbox vandalize

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