The Animator

SCP-274 The smiling dreamer. by MagicDragon7777

  • Views: 47
  • Created: 2yr ago
  • Last updated: 2yr ago
  • Version: 1
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 2 1 3 3

Comments on "SCP-274 The smiling dreamer." by magicbois_again

SCP-274 The smiling dreamer

---This monster is the most petrifying creature you will see. The smiling dreamer appears in your dreams. (ONLY if they are dark dream's) once you see him in a cave or hiding you must close your eyes and run the opposite direction because the more you look at him the scarier the smiling dreamer becomes so once you're running there's a 50% chance you'd wake up and have no mental health things done but the other 50% chance you'd get chased and he will catch you then you'd wake up then be so scared you will have paranoia of sleeping and if you sleep again he will appear in real time and take you to him cave then devour you. I hope you don't encounter him....

So far the SCP foundation is trying to catch the The smiling dreamer in act of taking his prey but they cant seem to do so.

Edited by @MagicDragon7777

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