The Animator

I can tell... by Vince

  • Views: 72
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 2
  • Length: 18 frames, 4.5s

Comments on "I can tell..." by Vince

4yr ago

I can tell you guys don't like my animations...


Stop lying. If they are bad,don't even comment because it doesn't help me improve if you lie to me.

:( I want to stop animating now and go find another animation app.

4yr ago

for one thing, I HAVE NO IDEA WHO YOU ARE.


three, there is literally no other animation app that works this well!!! I swear, I tried doing a different one, in the weeks that I was gone(no one noticed.), and it didn't work!

four, I think you're just being depressing.

five, why the(stop reading if you don't wanna see someone swear) hell do you think that someone hates your animations?

4yr ago

I'll comment as much as I want(now I sound spoiled.).

Maybe you want attention.

And that's actually not a bad thing.

Some people NEED attention.

and honestly, that's more than I got.

so just be happy with what you got in life, please.

You're not the suicidal one here.

4yr ago


Wow now I have another person who thinks I want attention. I did this cause somebody made a comment and it made me have a meltdown and I thought maybe you guys hated my animations. And yes,i AM depressed and I have social anxiety. Thanks. Now im definitely leaving.

I love them.

4yr ago

Did you read the other sentence that I wrote?

Well you will NEVER see this, because it is now my fault that you left

I also have experience with people who think I need attention, which is EXACTLY WHY I WROTE, "That's actually not a bad thing,"

and, "Some people NEED attention."

You're talking, "leaving the website."

I'm talking, "Leaving my life."

4yr ago

This time, I might actually do it...


4yr ago

oh uh some of us are born rude so that previous animation and the one before it and maybe even this one

don't worry about it

i mean your back so

4yr ago


forgive me plz

4yr ago

uhm I swear now so

T h e t h r e e p e o p l e b e i n g r u d e(including me) s u c k a l l t h e w a y t o h e l l s o s o r r y

4yr ago


still wanting to be forgiven

months later

4yr ago

What even happened

I can't remember shit

4yr ago

Ohhhhhh okay never mind.

Yeah fuck you guys im not forgiving you two but whatever.

I was young at that time so I was stupid as well but at that time I was @bu$ed by a fake friend, my parents didn't get me a therapist and still haven't, and I was on the verge of committing $u1cide. Many people said I was looking for attention when I was trying to look for help. Everyone completely misunderstood me.

4yr ago

Today, things are a lot worse, but the $u1cid@l thoughts won't trick me to end it all.

So at that time, i was looking for help. Its been a year now, and I have aged and things have gotten 100 times worse :D

The second part of the first sentence was a lie. :)

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