The Animator

lore post lol by Luni_

  • Views: 27
  • Created: 1mo ago
  • Last updated: 1mo ago
  • Version: 1
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 2 3 2

Comments on "lore post lol" by Luni_

1mo ago

There's a certain legend about an eerily lifelike statue at the base of Mt. Pixel, which appeared there at least a few years ago. Some say that it felt like this statue was watching them, even though it's stone eyes were closed, and one person even said that they saw it move- though that statement isn't to be trusted due to them having had one too many drinks at a New Year's party..

But still.. that leaves one important question to be answered: What is it, and if that wildly imaginative tale was true... when will it finally wake up?

1mo ago

very epik

1mo ago

very epik

6d ago

very epik

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