The Animator

murder mystery ep. 1 might take a little while unt by Honey_Beaaa

  • Views: 72
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 1 frame, 0.1s
 1 1 1 1

Comments on "murder mystery ep. 1 might take a little while unt" by roblox_girl

until i cloes people joining that will happen in a week



in wanna be in

Posted animation unavailable

my stuff

where is your person?

is there anything else I have to do for the murder mystery because you asked if I was leaving on my animation, "I'm making a game..."

I haven't seen your person which animation is it on

and @ magic I will use a person one of your animtions

almost done

Magic dragon is a red stickman with a top hat

Oh my character is the one based on a drawing..

But I didn't really put any customization on the weapons, so just use these 2:


and this thread contains my character drawing:

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