The Animator

sword slash by TRAngA

  • Views: 74
  • Created: 4yr ago
  • Last updated: 4yr ago
  • Version: 0
  • Length: 49 frames, 6.95s
 5 3

Comments on "sword slash" by TRAngA

This is amazing keep up the good work mentor lol

4yr ago

(insert amazed emoji here)

4yr ago

Sorry i have been slacking recently, so I thought I would put a bit more effort into this one.

Wow, I'm SOOO impressed by this! I'm new to this animating thing and this is the first vid I've seen on the website! and to be honest, its set the bar REALLY high! This is awesome and keep up the great work. Hope to see more of your animations. This is the stage I want to reach soon. Great Work!! May I ask what do you use to animate? (iPad, phone, computer, stylus, etc.)

Wow, I'm SOOO impressed by this! I'm new to this animating thing and this is the first vid I've seen on the website! and to be honest, its set the bar REALLY high! This is awesome and keep up the great work. Hope to see more of your animations. This is the stage I want to reach soon. Great Work!! May I ask what do you use to animate? (iPad, phone, computer, stylus, etc.)

Wow, I'm SOOO impressed by this! I'm new to this animating thing and this is the first vid I've seen on the website! and to be honest, its set the bar REALLY high! This is awesome and keep up the great work. Hope to see more of your animations. This is the stage I want to reach soon. Great Work!! May I ask what do you use to animate? (iPad, phone, computer, stylus, etc.)

4yr ago

I used a drawing tablet for this animation, but I usually use mouse.

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